Chocolate Coconut Cashew butter

Oh man! Cashew butter, am I right!? We’ve all tried peanut butter, and it’s good. Almond butter, another tried and true friend to have, but Cashew butter? Cashew butter is in a league of it’s own. Now, let’s get down to business. Chocolate Coconut Cashew Butter, it’s about to become the King Kong of the nut butter world.


1 c. Raw Cashews
2 tsp. Cocoa
1/4 c. Sweetened Coconut Shreds
Pinch of Salt

In a food processor place one cup of cashews. Grind the nuts until they become smooth. The cashew butter will go through many stages. It will first look like crushed up nuts, then dust, then a little bit later it will start looking like thick paste. Eventually you will make it to the nut butter stage. Trust me, it takes some time but it will get there, and boy is it worth it!

Once you make it to the nut butter stage, add the cocoa, coconut, and salt. Continue to grind the mixture until it is smooth again.

This cashew butter is the big brother to Nutella, and the truth is you can’t really go wrong when it’s this good. Bread, pretzels, crackers, cookies, spread the love and get ready to make some more!


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