Roasted Bell Pepper Hummus

If we are being honest with one another, I have a problem. The problem snuck up on me pretty slowly and now I’m in a full on free fall. I think I’m addicted to hummus. Yes, hummus. Plain, garlic, or spinach I’ll eat it. I think of it more of a super power. Sure, Superman can fly, and stop trains and save people, but can he down a container of hummus in a single sitting!? While on a hummus high I mixed up a batch of this delicious Roasted Bell Pepper Hummus and now there’s no going back!

Roasted Bell Pepper Hummus


1 Can Chickpeas
1 Roasted Red Bell Pepper
5 Cloves of Roasted Garlic
2 tbl. Tahini
1 tbl. Lemon
1/2 tsp. Parsley
3/4 tsp. Cumin
1/4 tsp. Paprika
1/4 tsp. Salt
Olive Oil

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Remove the stem and seeds from the bell pepper, and cut in to pieces. On a baking sheet, brush the bell pepper with olive oil and roast along side a head of garlic for an hour.

Once they are cooked remove from the oven and allow to completely cool.

In a food processor blend the bell pepper and garlic. Add in the chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and drizzle in olive oil.

Blend together until smooth.

Finally, mix in the seasonings (parsley, cumin, paprika, and salt) and blend until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Serve with chips, bread, vegetables, eat it with your fingers, find some pretzels, you get it. It’s just time to get down to business.

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