North Carolina Apple Festival

Summer is drawing to a close and the first signs of Fall are just beginning to appear. Labor Day is often the last hurrah before school and work resumes. So, what better way than one last summer street festival to give Summer a proper send off and welcome Fall back.


The North Carolina Apple Festival has been held for over 60 years on Labor Day weekend in Hendersonville, NC. The festival ran from Friday, September 2nd through Monday, September 5th with a culminating King Apple Parade on Monday afternoon. People from neighboring counties came to sample and celebrate the bounty of locally grown apples with music, crafts, and of course, food.


When I first arrived at the festival I was welcomed with the wafting sounds of musicians performing. As I walked closer, the music rang louder, tents appeared and I was met with the sweet smell of fried dough. Booths lined the streets, some with tables covered in food, some with baskets of apples, and some booths with hand made jewelry and decorations.

It’s no mystery that the North Carolina Apple Festival featured amazing delicacies filled with apples. Among my favorites were the flaky apple turnovers topped with icing. Upon first bite the pastry dough melts in your mouth and gives way to the warm apple filling. With the sun shining brightly in the sky, the day could not be complete with out having an Apple Cider Slushie. The refreshing, crisp taste of apple cider combined with the crushed ice made for a
definite thirst quenching delight.

Hendersonville is yet another cute, small mountain town. Throughout their downtown, quirky painted bears line sidewalks that lead to amazing restaurants and antique stores. The North Carolina Apple Festival highlights exactly what makes Hendersonville so beloved by it’s residents, amazing food, friendly people, and tradition.

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