Brown Bag B-Day

Birthdays are always a great reason to gather your friends and family to party! Balloons, streamers, cake, presents. Ain’t no party like a birthday party! Seriously, birthday parties are fun unless you are the one throwing one and you have no idea where to start. Well, look no further. This week I’m celebrating everyone’s birthday with a paper bag birthday party. Easy, fun, festive and best of all, it won’t make you go broke. See you at the festivities!

All you’ll need for the following crafts are:

Brown paper
Colored Chalk
Black Sharpie

No party is complete without a banner to ring in the new birth year. Cut out five triangles, with room at the top to fold over (for the string). Draw on it with chalk and outline with marker.

Find the length of your table and cut the paper to fit. Decorate with different colors and designs.

What’s more festive than party attire? Don’t forget to make some party hats to put everyone in the mood. Cut a half circle out of paper and tape together the straight ends. Tape twine to the insides of the hat, and partake in the merriment.

Wrap your presents in brown paper and decorate it however you please. When in doubt, wrap in brown paper. It’s the most fun you’ll have since your last birthday.


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